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Your partner for sustainable agriculture

Healthy nutrition and sustainable agriculture will play a central role in the future. Let us actively create the future.

AMALGEROL® is now a CE certified biostimulant

In Product Function Category PFC 6(B), AMALGEROL is officially recognized as a “non-microbial plant biostimulant” for broadacre crops to increase yield.


With nature, for nature

Our vision, which we passionately pursue: see(d)ing the future, cherish nature, foster relationships

Mission, Vision, Values

We are part of it: CEDRIC

Together with our partners in the Interreg Italia-Austria project CEDRIC we have one goal:
Creating a sustainable transboundary agroecosystem through the biodiversity of the root microbiome

Read more: Interreg Project CEDRIC

Manure treatment & stable hygiene

Improves stable air.
Promotes rotting.
Increases basic forage quality.


Complete stress protection

Protects against weather and chemical stress.
Strengthens roots and immune system.
For yield security in any situation!

Your partner for sustainable agriculture.


We have been developing plant strengtheners and fertilizers for conventional and organic agriculture for 75 years.

Learn more


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