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Donation to Caritas Tyrol for Ukraine emergency aid

Our thoughts are with our long-time business partners who have become dear friends over all these years, as well as with all the people in Ukraine.

Caritas Innsbruck helps in Ukraine, in the neighboring countries and in Austria with the distribution of food, from heating material and hygiene articles to the support of children in schools. In Tyrol, they supported the arriving people by providing information, shelter, donations in kind and other social services. Part of the donations was used for food vouchers. This made it possible to bridge the gap until the basic state benefits were paid out.

In Innsbruck, hundreds of people came to Caritas: mainly women with children. The director, Mag. Elisabeth Rathgeb, remembers in particular a group of young women who all had a baby in their arms or in a baby carriage: "These personal encounters get under my skin. With them, the sober figures of millions of displaced people suddenly get a face. And the war becomes palpable in all its brutality."

The food vouchers were a great gift for many - far beyond their material value: a sign of hospitality. An opportunity to buy what tastes good in a self-determined way. A sign of human dignity.

Hans Hueter, Andreas Sailer, Hanspeter Hueter, Bettina Scherer and part of our team handing over the check to Caritas Director Elisabeth Rathgeb.


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