Officially certified as an EU biostimulant PFC 6(B) for broadacre crops to increase yield.

Officially certified as an EU biostimulant PFC 6(B) for broadacre crops to increase yield.
Vitalizes the soil
Strengthens the plants
Accelerates the straw rotting
AMALGEROL from Hechenbichler
What makes the difference?
AMALGEROL propagates this beneficial type of bacteria, optimising the flow of nutrients. Many helpful soil bacteria and earthworms loosen and aerate the soil, making it friable, reducing erosion and silting.
AMALGEROL strengthens the roots and boosts the number of mycorrhiza.
Soil bacteria release and mobilise bound nutrients, which can then be absorbed better via the enlarged root system and prevent chlorosis.
Azotobacteria collect the nitrogen from the air and deliver it to plants – free of charge!
Why use a biostimulant?
When soil life stagnates, the soil is inert and compacted. Waterlogging and erosion occur.
Plants have weak roots, are susceptible to disease, and nutrients are fixed or washed out.
The straw does not rot, and fungal decay occurs.
The all leads to poor harvest with insufficient quality.
revitalized soil is vital and crumbly
water retention is increased
the root system is enlarged
the flow of nutrients optimised
the plants are more resistant
straw rotting is accelerated
your yield and the quality are increased
How to use AMALGEROL correctly:
Find your application area
tillering (BBCH 20 - 30): 3 l
flag leave (BBCH 37): 3 l
beginning of flowering (BBCH 61): 3 l
straw decomposition: spray 4 l on straw, followed by shallow tillage/cultivator
Oilseed rape
Oilseed rape
autumn at 7 - 8 leaves stage (BBCH 17 - 18): 2 l
spring at stem elongation (BBCH 20 - 40): 4 l
beginning of inflorescence emergence (BBCH 50): 4 l
before tillage/cultivator: 5 l
at 4 - 8 leaves stage (BBCH 14 - 18): 5 l
straw decomposition: spray 5 l on straw, followed by shallow tillage/cultivator
Sugar beet
Sugar beet
before tillage/cultivator: 5 l
beginning until completion of crop cover (BBCH 30 - 40): 3 x 5 l
Pea, Bean, Soybean
Pea, Bean, Soybean
at 4 leaves stage (BBCH 14): 3 l, repeat if necessary
beginning of flowering (BBCH 61): 4 l
before tillage/cultivator: 5 l
at 6 - 8 leaves stage (BBCH 16 - 18): 5 l
Oil pumpkin
Oil pumpkin
emerging: 5 l
at crop cover (at the latest possibility): 5 l
between crop cover (BBCH 30) and 50 % tuber mass (BBCH 70): 4 x 3 l in 10 - 14 days intervals
Vegetables, onions
Vegetables, onions
before seed: 5 l, followed by shallow tillage/cultivator
14 days after planting/emerging: 3 l, 2 - 3 times in 10 - 14 days intervals.
before flowering until fruit colouring: 3 x 3 l in 10 - 14 days intervals
September/October: 2 x 3 l in 10 - 14 days intervals
new plantation until 10 days after planting: 3 l
Pome fruit, stone fruit
Pome fruit, stone fruit
Soil application
10 l in 1000 l water, apply on soil in early spring, tillering/cultivator if possible.
Foliar application
Development of stolons until flowering: 2 x 3 l in 10 - 14 days intervals
End of flowering until fruit colouring: 3 x 3 l in 10 - 14 days intervals
Grape vine
Grape vine
Soil application
10 l in 1000 l water, apply on soil in early spring, tillering/cultivator if possible
Foliar application
between leaf bud burst and flower buds closed: 2 x 5 l in 10 - 14 days intervals
between end of flowering and colouring of berries: 3 x 5 l in 10 - 14 days intervals, use 500 - 1000 l water / hectare if necessary
EC Value: 0.5 % solution - 0.1 mS/cm. Rinse with clear water.

Phosphate fertilizer in its most effective form - for easy application with liquid manure.
To the product
The complete stress protection for your plants. Activates the soil life.
To the product

Do you have any questions?
"We'll be happy to help you. Give us a call!"
Monday to Thursday
07:30 - 12:00
13:30 - 17:00
07:30 - 12:00
Seaweed extracts, plant oils, mineral oil, essential oils, herbal extracts.
All ingredients made without genetic engineering.
100% biodegradable, according to reports of the University of Innsbruck.
Pack sizes
Canister 10 l; 84 x 10 l / pallet
Canister 25 l; 36 x 25 l / pallet
Drum 200 l; 2 x 200 / pallet
Pallet tank 1000 l