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Fast-acting liquid phosphorus for grassland and arable land

Phosphate fertilizer in its most effective form - for easy application with liquid manure.
  • Highly effective polyphosphate fertiliser

    with additional 10% nitrogen

  • Acts quickly and safely via the leaf

    in all situations with increased phosphorus demand

  • No additional application costs

    when mixed into the liquid manure

Phosphate Fertiliser: Addressing Phosphorus Deficiencies in Plants

Phosphorus molecules move in the soil only 2-3 mm per year. Unfavourable pH values, soil compaction, drought and poor root development therefore quickly lead to an insufficiency. With phosphate fertiliser, which acts directly through the leaf, the phosphorus deficiency of plants can be remedied quickly and precisely. In grassland as well as in arable farming.

POWERPHOS: the phosphate fertiliser from Hechenbichler


    Polyphosphate is the most effective form of phosphorus. Phosphate fertiliser is suitable for all situations in which the phosphorus requirement of plants is increased. POWERPHOS contains an additional 10% nitrogen and acts quickly and safely via the leaf.


    The phosphate fertiliser can be used at any time. Regardless of soil conditions, pH value and weather. Plants in the juvenile stage, which have an increased metabolism and a small root system, are thus always optimally supplied with phosphorus. Before flowering, a rapid phosphorus supply also helps to secure yields.

    By mixing in POWERPHOS, the phosphorus content in cattle slurry can be easily increased - and high-quality forage can be grown.


    • Suitable for all situations with increased phosphorus requirements

    • Acts quickly and safely through the leaf

    • No additional application costs

    • Highly effective polyphosphate fertiliser with 10% nitrogen

    • For better grain formation and better tuber set

How to use POWERPHOS correctly:


20 - 30 l/ha to the first growth, 10 - 15 l/ha to each subsequent growth. Mix into the liquid manure.


5 l/ha and application

Find your application areas


5 l at tillering (BBCH 20 - 30); 5 l at the beginning of flowering (BBCH 61)


5 l at 4-8 leaf stage (BBCH 14 - 18)

Oilseed rape

5 l in autumn 7-8 leaf stage (BBCH 17 - 18); 5 l in spring for elongation (BBCH 30); 5 l for bud formation (BBCH 50)


2 x 5 l between row end (BBCH 30) and tuber set (BBCH 40)


5 l at 6-8 leaf stage (BBCH 16 - 18)

Sugar beet

3 x 5 l between row closure (BBCH 30) and end of beet growth (BBCH 49)

Bean, pea, soybean

5 l at 4th leaf (BBCH 14), 5 l at pre-bloom (BBCH 55)

Field vegetables

5 l after 14 days from emergence/planting; then 2 - 4 repetitions, each 10 - 14 days interval

Vine, fruit

5 l between bud break and pre-bloom, repeat 2 - 4 times between flowering and grape/fruit colouring, increase water quantity to 500 - 1000 l/ha if necessary


20 - 30 l for the first growth; 10 - 15 l for each subsequent growth; mix into the liquid manure; waiting period for grazing: 2 weeks


EC value for a 0.1% solution: 0.56 mS/cm. Rinse with clear water.

Do you have any questions?

"We'll be happy to help you. Give us a call!"

Monday to Thursday
07:30 - 12:00
13:30 - 17:00

07:30 - 12:00

T +43 512 291810-0
F +43 512 291810-23


Nutrient content

10 % Ammonium Nitrogen (N) 138 g/l
34 % Phosphate (P2O5) 469 g/l, water-soluble

Depending on national registration requirements, the exact composition may differ.


6 - 7

Pack sizes

Canister 10 l; 75 x 10 l / pallet
Drum 200 l; 2 x 200 l / pallet
Pallet trank 1.000 l


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