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Stabilize nitrogen and maximize the fertilizing effect of liquid manure

Stabilize ammonium nitrogen and optimize plant availability with GÜLLEMAX N-FIX
  • Stabilize ammonium nitrogen

    and maximize fertilizing effect

  • Optimize plant availability

    and improve the quality of your harvest

  • Protect the environment

    and increase the efficiency of nitrogen utilization

Stabilize nitrogen easily and quickly and maximize the fertilizer effect

Nitrification inhibitors can stabilize nitrogen from liquid manure and thus keep the ammonium nitrogen stable and available to plants in the soil for up to 14 weeks after application. To further increase the fertilizing effect of your farm manure and ensure nitrogen availability for your crops over a longer period of time, we recommend combining GÜLLEMAX N-FIX with our high-performance liquid nitrogen fertilizer POWER-N.

POWER-N (27% nitrogen, 3% sulphur) provides an optimum boost, especially if your liquid manure has a low nitrogen content. This combination not only improves the nutrient supply, but also reduces the need for additional fertilizer applications.

GÜLLEMAX N-FIX: nitrification inhibitor from Hechenbichler


    With our DMPP-based nitrification inhibitor, you can effectively stabilize the nitrogen from your liquid manure. GÜLLEMAX N-FIX slows down the activity of soil bacteria (Nitrosomonas bacteria) and thus delays the conversion of ammonium into nitrite.


    The ammonium nitrogen applied remains stable and available to plants for up to 14 weeks, depending on the soil temperature and soil type, resulting in consistently vigorous plant growth and improved crop quality.


    • Stabilization of nitrogen from the liquid manure

    • Delays the conversion of ammonium

    • Ammonium nitrogen remains stable and available to plants for up to 14 weeks

Protects the environment and increases the efficiency of nitrogen use

The use of the nitrification inhibitor GÜLLEMAX N-FIX makes a significant contribution to environmental protection. By effectively slowing down the conversion of ammonium into nitrite, you reduce nitrate leaching into the groundwater and the emission of nitrous oxide into the air.

By stabilizing the ammonium nitrogen with GÜLLEMAX N-FIX, a larger proportion of the applied nitrogen is absorbed and utilized by the plants. This is reflected in their healthy and vigorous growth.

How to use GÜLLEMAX N-FIX correctly:


Mix GÜLLEMAX N-FIX undiluted into the slurry tanker by using the bypass or suction nozzle while loading the slurry tanker.


Grassland: 4-5 l/ha for the first and optionally for the second fertilization.
Field crops (cereals, maize, oilseed rape, sugar beet, potatoes): 5-6 l/ha

Do you have any questions?

"We'll be happy to help you. Give us a call!"

Monday to Thursday
07:30 - 12:00
13:30 - 17:00

07:30 - 12:00

T +43 512 291810-0
F +43 512 291810-23

Product data


5 % 3,4-dimethyl pyrazole phosphate



Pack sizes

Canister 20 l; 24 x 20 l / pallet


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